Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sunday Sept 12

What a fabulous day, I've had. And to think it almost didn't happen.I almost didn't even get out of bed to get this great day. We ended up going to the 11 Am service today. Wow! what a rush! Pastor Mark spoke about our Best Friend, or should be our Best friend, the Holy Spirit. The whole entire meeting was so fulfilling, all you could do was let it pour over through you eyes. (does that sound weird) even Mike had tears in his eyes. That's rare, but it happens.
I learned Spirit of God in Hebrew is Ruak (sp I'm sure)and in Greek is Numa (again Sp) the definiton that we got from Faith is: Believing in what is unseen. So wouldn't having faith in the Trinity be the Same. Which makes us more blessed then even the Apostles. How cool is that? The Holy Spirit has been claimed or refered to the wind. why?
1)B.C He is unseen (he wants to be expirienced first. In John 20:29 2) He is unpredictable John 3:8 3) He is powerful! Acts 1:5-8
In Ephesians it says ... Be filled with the Spirit.
Benifits of the spirit 1)rest Isaiah 63:14 2) Direction Romans 8:26,27 3) Freedom Romans 8:9 9) Power! Corinthians 2:4,5 5) Ministry in Acts.. When filled w/ the Spirit ) is was and still is for ministry.
Luke 4:18,19
My thoughts to this is, To be filled with the Spirit comes with many responsibilities but with many many blessings. Like Pastor Mark said if you put all your problems, faults, sins, desires in to the Lord's hands and become filled with the Spirit_ HE will take care of you and see you through, to change all your "trials in to Treasures" (that wasn't his words, they are Anne Bosman's, but when P. Mark said his phrase all I could think of was Sis B's and missed his. But it's all the same) This seems like the HARDEST thing in the world to do. It's my prayer to be filled with the spirit. So we may put all our trials to the Lord and let Him guide us in the handling and allow us to have the Holy Spirit as our best friend.
Now after getting home and eating our lunch and taking a much needed nap with Mike all snuggled up. We woke and spent our evening together talking and enjoying each other for the remainder of the night till he slept . I then at 1:30 in the morning started reading my book till I fell asleep. Too tired to concentrate on scripture after all that. Saved my scripture reading for Monday to do double.
Thank you Father for the most glorious day.. It's been such a long time since I've had one that good.