Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wed/ thurs 1st personal

Today was a bit better then yesterday. I did learn something tonight. I learned that there is a main muscle that runs in the back lower part of my neck that runs right up to the top of my skull. This is the place where it's effected so much in making me have such headaches. It's a fibro trigger point.. I'm sure that the tightness in my bra straps and the weight of my breast pulling on the straps and the wrong size of the bra fit, has alot to do with the trigger point and the pains and headaches I'm having. That is why when at night I take the bra off and I relax that muscle, it starts to feel better till I put the bra back on.. Geez! makes alot of sense. So tell me, where can I find the money to buy bras that actually fit and not have the weight of my bust pull down on my shoulders to effect the trigger points in my neck to solve all this?? Ha??? GEEZ!
I got to finally make it to Walmart today and get the rest of the things we needed. So now we are like down to our last twenty dollars for milk and cream and suffer the rest of the two weeks for anything else, I guess. B/c the water bill came in and will have to use Jason's weekly rent money to pay for that. Seeing as it went up another $2o some odd dollars. So what we have in that closet is what we live on for the next two weeks, I guess. I'm so glad that I got the rent, electric, internet and phone paid for on this check.. Thank Goodness. b/c it's about it get even tighter come the end of the month.. If we can struggle through the month of September, we should be all good come October. Then we can sail the rest of the year and have a decent Xmas. I hope, along with a plane ticket for my son to come too. So everyone pray that it all work out for us...