Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tues Sept. 7th

“We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.”- Colossians 1:28

I wasn't going to post today. But for the daily scripture, I happened to like what it said, so I figured while I'm here. I did do the reading but nothing really jumped out at me so I left it alone.
Then I figured while I'm here might as well tell you about the Hell of a day that I have had. Before I fall back asleep. Anyway, I've been syked about today for just about four days. Today was the day that Mike and I finally get to go see a new Dr here in Crestview. Mike gets to get his A1C as well as his med scripts refilled. I myself, finally get up the nerve to know that I'm not Super woman and it's time to stop the daily fight of how much pain can I stand till I drop. Ok so now you get the picture.
I get so worked up about going that I get hardly any sleep what so ever over the whole thing, b/c I guess I'm very nervous if this Dr is knowledgeable about Fibromyalgia to begin with. Alot of them are or just go with the mainstream and hand out meds and deal with it that way. So we get there and fill out all our information on a new computer clip typd board. Mind you I did for both of us. God forbid Mike does it on his own. Takes me all but maybe a half hour to get it all done. I'm squirming back and forth in the this uncomfy chair and really starting to get antsy b/c I'm in so much pain. Only to find out that Mike's insurance STILL hasn't put me on the policy (that should have taken effect like two months ago and didn't) So either I have to pay $250 up front and get re-embursed or not be seen. Guess what, I don't get seen.
Then, they ask for payment up front. I give Mike a check and five mins later they call him back and say, "we can't take your check. The bank declined it." OH REALLY! Ok now why?? Last I checked I have over draft and so if I didn't even have the funds in there, I know it should be covered.. Is it not just Walmart that does this to me? So I get angry and leave Mike there and drive to the bank to cash Jason's check he gave me for his weekly rent. Teller asks me, "Mrs. St. Jean are you able to bring your acct. current today?" I'm like, " really, I didn't know it was behind. Which last I checked two days ago, there was some money in there. Maybe under $20 but cash in there. How much in the negative am I?" She returns, " $49." I say, " Umm not really I just left my husband at the Dr's office adn they will not see him unless we give them $30 upfront. He gets his direct deposit Friday, it will bring it current then." She's good with that and cashes the check.
So back to the Dr's I go, give the receptionist the cash this time and finally another half hour they call Mike in and ONLY Mike. I'm not allowed to go into the office w/o him. Mind you since his MRSA episode and major surgery, I've gone to EVERY appt with him and spoken to the Dr's myself about his medical condition and resonsiblities adn they tell me, NO you may not go in with him." This sets Mike in a mood that he become flipant. He's not back there 10 mins and she comes back and says, " Your assistance is needed please." I just laughed and said, I figured as much.
I get back there and I have to name off the list of meds and doses he takes b/c the computer clip board didn't even record it. Then she tells me that his BP is sky rocketed and he keeps up with what he is doing it can cause him a heart attack or stroke. Then proceeds to ask him what his sugars have been. I chuckled and said, "you won't get that answer b/c he doesn't test." A man who is almost 50 years old and refuses to prick his finger b/c it hurts. OK here comes the lecture. And she gave it to him but not a firm as I was hoping. She then proceeds to tell him that he needs bloodwork done for his A1C and cholesteral levels. He gets all hyped up b/c he doesn't like the idea that the Dr does her own bloodwork in the office itself. Give me a break! I think it's better that way. So of course she comes out with this needle that is like bigger then a mattress needle (I pray he doesn't look at it lol) and she proceeds to stick it in his arm on the inside of his elbow. His vein collapsed upon entry. So now she has to move it around and refind another spot. So he is just fidgeting in his seat and trying to be respectful at the same time. After taking three vials of blood, she says, " let's test your BP again and see if it's still up there." I shake my head and roll my eyes. Ok lady, you've insulted him, you've told him at almost 50 he needs to be mature enough to handle his own medical issues and know everything and then you (in his eyes) muttelated him to get blood. Yeh this will be good!
As she retakes it, she says, " it's still high. I'm going to give you a pill to take and I want you to go and sit in the waiting area for about ten mins an I'll check it again. Your not leaving here until I know it's safe. Alrighty then. I'm so worked up by now, worried what he will say or do out in the waiting room. I'm already totally upset over the insurance issue with me to begin with. His co pay was suppose to be ONLY $10-$15. And b/c they didn't update the way they were suppose to it doubled. I took Mike's gas money for work to pay the extra. Go figure. Worry about that later.
So finally she calls him back in and tells him, "I want you to start these new pills that are especially for diabetics, and high blood pressure. Then, I want you back here Saturday morning at 9Am to check it again with the new meds." Then she sticks her head out the door to me and gives me the schedule on taking his new pills and tells me his next appt time. Great another $30.
By now, my body is shot, I'm shaking and very out of it and he's beyond able to drive. HA! so I say Ok, I take us straight home and I'm done.. I get home and stretch out on the couch and want to just break down and cry. The pain has over taken me and nothing else I can do but suck it up. Then of course, the body temp drops due the new onset flare up and I start to shiver. I wrap in the blanket and tell Mike, you have to find something to eat,I am goign to lay for as long as I can stand it. I was DONE!!!
Needless to say, he did fine. He is good at fending for himself. I did end up getting up b/c after too long you have to. So I made his lunch for work and he went upstairs to get the extra stuff he puts in his lunch and bring it down. So that was a huge help. Then right after he left for work I came up and took one of my "borrowed pain pills" (shouldnt say borrowed she actually gave them to me.. Thank Goodness) and I went on facebook till I fell asleep. When i rolled into a trigger spot I woke up and rubbed my face and realized I still had my makeup on. so off that had to come and been doing this ever since.
But since I'm forcing to keep my eye lids open. I'm going to close up say good night to my hubby at work and I'm going to go back to sleep. G'nite...