Thursday, September 9, 2010

weds 9/8/10

“Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance.”- Titus 2:2
Proverbs 3-5, 2 Corinthians 1
1 My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, 2 for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity.

Well last night after I had awakened and stayed awake till like five AM, like now it's almost 4:30. Anyway, I text Mike letting him know that I had woke up and he text back to tell me that he was hoping I would wake and text him. I thought, well why? Anyway he comes back and says," I wanted to tell you that I really do love you and I'm so glad that you are in my life. I was really scared today at the Dr's and I'm just glad that you are around to be with me." I told him and reassured him how much I truly love him and how much I worry about his over all health and reasons being why I try to come down on him with his Non-aggressive actions in taking care of his diabetic self. i told him how much I worry if he will be around for a time. How much i would hate to see him gone. What would I do w/o him. He replied with how he wonders what Melissa and I would do w/o him. Granted we would do like any other family would do and sadly carry on. But being that I've only been with him for ten years and only been happy for probably five of those years. I am going to be greedy and desire more time. He is only 49 years old. He needs to step up and take serious aggressive action in taking care of himself and get his buns in gear. Come on now. If a Dr says, "you need to test your sugar daily, if not more then once daily." Then Damn it.. Test!!! If they say, "only eat according to a diabetic diet and lose weight." Then Damn it.. Do it!!! it's the ONLY way to stay alive, then by all means do it. It just seems he is good for so long, then he falls right back in the same groove. It's so much easier i guess to do it the wrong way , then it is to do it the correct way..
Granted I have no room to talk. If I maintained a Fibromyagic diet, I would feel better more days then I feel worse. If I took medications like I was suppose to, I would feel better then I do. So in turn we are both slowly killing ourselves and we need to step up and take action to change it. And texting With him last night, I told him that you not only need it, but WE both need it. And we need to see to it, that we do it and stick with it. Simple as that. Even though, we all know it's not simple, just how it is...
But considering Mike is NOT a vocal affectionate type of guy. And alot of times he will not come out and say with his mouth, "I love you" he does every once in awhile come out in a text and tell me. And let me tell you, it's just as awesome seeing it in print as it is hearing it come out of his mouth. Sometimes better.
So We are going to struggle the best we can till the end of the month to eat accordingly. But come next month, we should have no excuses to how we eat.. We need to make sure we do our best in keeping up with a proper diet and exercise the best we can. Let's get the BP down, the weight down, and all his numbers of his sugar counts down down down. Let's live another 15+ 5 years together and be happy.. I will be happy with longer. but pray for that at least.. But need to take it one day at a time anyway..
Please if you read this, pray for us. Pray that we can have the strength and efforts to correct our wrongs and build on our rights and get better/ healthier. Thank you....