Friday, April 18, 2008

what my Saturday brought....
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Today has been a very quite day. From not sleeping yesterday at all. I finally passed out at midnight last night. I slept all the way through till ten thirty this morning. I got up and ate a bowl of frosted mini wheats and a glass of OJ and ended up back in bed about an hour later and slept till five pm. Talking about making up for lost time. I guess you really can do it.. I'm hoping now that I can stay awake the rest of the night and be able to maintain tomorrow, so I can go to bed at a decent hour and be able to get up for church. You know for those of you who know Jean walin, I always thought, why does she miss so much church. HMM now I know. Between the pain of Fibromyalgia and then the Chronic Fatigue and what it takes for sleeping patterns, I now know, I miss just about as much as she does now... I don't know about her, but I hate it... I love going to church......
I have done everything to change my schedule around to getting to bed at a decent nightly hour and wake in the mornings. LOL yeh right, it last for only short stretches and then I'm bouncing all over the clock again. I HATE IT! But I'm told Welcome to the wonderful life of Fibromyalgia! This is your life... I can rid the pain with either meds. or my all natural Vemma.. Which by the way I love to death.. But the Chronic Fatigue factors, play with me all the time.... So Hey, I guess I can't win them all. I'd rather sleep at all hours of the day or night, then, be in so much pain that I can't move. That is sooooo rare now....... I love it!


Annie said...

I understand in a diffrent way... I've suffered from insomnia for years and it's no fun wandering the house for hours on end when I can't sleep. You're lucky you don't have to work as well.....