Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I got tagged, so now if you read this, then your tagged too.... Have fun!

All About Me Survey
I Amfriendly and outgoing once you get to know me.
I Wantto be able to live and be comfortable
I Havea great son, step daughter and two beautiful twin granddaughters
I Wishthat we can get all our bills paid and done with
I Hateliars, thieves, and controllers
I Fearthat I may die before I see my kid have kids
I Hearthe tv next to me.. btw it\'s way too loud
I Searchthe internet for fun daily
I Wonderif we will ever be totally free of debt
I Regretmany things.. but hey what can you do now....
I Lovemy family very much
I Achealot of the times...all over
I Alwayslook on the bright side of everything first
I Usuallyam in a great mood
I Am Nota person of gossip and backstabbing
I Dancein my chair or in my car...
I Singevery chance I get.. I love it.
I Neverseem to get everything done that I want on a daily basis.
I Rarelygo to bed before two AM
I Cryalot lately
I Am Not Alwaysup, dressed and ready for a good day... instead I\'m in my jammies vegging out LOL
I Losealot of things. It\'s in my nature! Especially my mind
I'm Confusedalways.. That\'s part of my nature too... lol
I Needabout three of me to get done what I need to daily..
I Shouldconsider just getting over the idea of perfection LOL
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