Tuesday, January 22, 2008

kaylee in the hospital

Like I said in yesterday's post Kaylee is back in the hospital. They decided to keep her overnight last night and do more testing today to see what is wrong with her. She just kept crying and crying. All her labs came out normal and her Xray of her belly and her EEG were all good. They did find alot of Gasy air in her belly but they are not sure if it was due to the problem or due to all the crying and screaming that she did. So that is a wait and see. So far today no more gas. They are going to keep her in tonight again and tomorrow morning they are going to do a CAT scan on her to rule out if she has any bleeding on the brain. If all is boiled down and ruled out, it may just very well be a with drawl from the Phenobarbital that she takes.. She has gained so much weight (16 that her intake of the med. is not enough and it's such a strong drug that you have with drawls from it... Scary huh... Poor thing...
The Picture on the left is one of her talking to her mommy like four days before hand. She had been in such a good mood.Then her mood changed just like that. If her appearance have anything to do with it, she will be fine. Doesn't she look well rested. Tee hee, Melissa said that all she has done today is sleep in between all the testing. She was making up for lost time. But hopefully she will come home soon. WE sure do miss her.
Even kyla is missing her sister. She wasn't in the best of moods this morning. She woke around six thirty and wouldn't go back to sleep until like nine thirty. Then she only slept for about fifteen mins. Stayed awake up through till like one thirty, finally fell asleep till two thirty. I must of fell asleep so heavy in that time, that I missed two phone calls and I never miss them when I sleep. I know I was tired. I was back to that point of awake all night long again. It seems like I sleep for awhile, then I'm awake four the next twenty to thirty hours. GO figure. Hopefully tonight, I'll sleep better due to the fact I only got an hour and half sleep total.
My cold has hit the chest now.. I hack so badly that Jw actually told me that I sounded "like grandma" when she coughed. Boy that can't be a good sign. That poor woman had Bronchitis all the time. I guess it's time to go and see the Dr. to make sure it's not that... So much fun. I have an Eurology appt. On Thursday to see why I still have blood in my urine. all the testing so far hasn't linked anything. SO now the Dr wants me to get a scope done to rule anything out that needs be. Geez! Does this mean I'm getting old fast??? We'll have to see what he says...
Jw has been placed on new meds. Hopefully that will help him in school and focus and stay organized better. It's a brand new med called Vyvanse. It's actually a break off of Adderall XR.. His dr told me that b/c he was on such a high dose of Concerta, that she had to do something different. Has anyone ever heard of this?
So let's try this one. Poor kid, he was on a high school kids dose.. And it wasn't working.... So we pray this will work. We have to fight the insurance company to cover it b/c it's new. But we've played these games before with him. So it shouldn't be that hard. But he even seems to like it.. It's suppose to take ten days to get into the system. He came home bragging on how he felt.. I'm like ok if it helps we are happy.. Especially the teachers.. In about a week I'll find out from them how all is going. I'll inform everyone then.
Hopefully all is well where you are at.


Annie said...

I sure hope she gets feeliing well enough to come home. It's hard having little ones in the hospital. I know we've spent more time than I'd care to remember living at hospitals with little ones. It sounds like you are investigating the meds that JW's on and that's really important. If I had to go back and do it all over again I'd think more than twice about some of the meds they put John on. But you trust the Doc's and so badly want a solution to thier problems. Even when COurtney was on meds I'd rethink that. But that is me. Good luck and do your homework, don't just take their word for it. Most of the time Doc's don't really know the drugs, they take what the pharmicutical reps say and alot of the time they get kick-backs for prescribing certain meds. It's really quite scary sometimes the real lack of knowledge that the Doc's have. I'm just relaying what I have learned and what our experiences have been through the years. Good luck!