Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Kaylee came home... Bad News....

These are pictures of Kaylee in the hospital. She had two different tests done. The one with the cap on is from the EEG and the one wrapped in the blankets is from the CAT Scan.. Poor booger...

The sad story of this is that the results from the testing proves that she has severe brain damage. There was changes from these tests compared to the tests that she had back in OCT. when all this started. Her brain is shrinking. It is too small for her age. That is the severity of the damage that was done from the seizures that she had. Good news is that she doesn't have seizures any longer. They also told Melissa that she will more then likely never be able to walk nor sit up on her own. Her hands are in a fist all the time. This will not change b/c it is due to the damaged part of the brain as well as the Physical Therapy will not loosen her arms up either. They are going to start giving her a certain shot to do it medicinally. In one way it's the saddest thing you could ever imagine. But as I sat tonight and rocked her in my rocking chair, I looked into her beautiful eyes and started to cry and it came to me: " You are a perfect daughter of our Heavenly Father. You are so perfect that you did not need to come to earth and learn and grow. You just needed to come to Earth to be able to gain a body and be able to return to our Heavenly Father when the time is right. How special are we that we are blessed to have you in our lives and to be able to love you and take care of you." But then the sad part of the brain came back and thought wow how horrible for this to happen to her and to Melissa. I feel so badly.

They are thinking also that possibly the crying that she does all the time is due to acid reflux and some of it is part of the brain damage also. They did order Zantac for the reflux. So that will help..

Anyway I'm going to pull up the photos that I took of her when she first came home. I finally got her with her binky out of her mouth. So that's the other two that are up there in her pink stripped pj's. I caught her in mid sentence (as they say) she was just getting ready to speak. Granted she doesn't say words, she just makes noises. But to her it's like holding a conversation.
You should have seen Kyla. I stood her up next to her in the chair, holding her up so she could see her sister that she missed so much. She kept grabbing her hand and jattering away.. She touched her hand, arm, and then touched her cheek. It was sooo sweet. I would of grabbed a picture of that too. But, I can't hold on to her and hold the phone at the same time... BUt it was priceless. You so can tell that Kyla Bugg loves her sissy so very much.
Well, it's now almost eleven thirty and I finally have the opportunity to sleep through the night. Finally! I haven't done that in almost a week. In the last three to four days (its been so long that I forgot) I have only had like four to five hours sleep. I think the Vemma has alot to do with my energy to keep me going through. All those little cat naps.. B/c Kyla only cat naps through out the day.. Imagine that... So I'm going to get off here and attempt to get to sleep. I have a busy day tomorrow. I have that Eurologist appt. at 11. And I have to make sure Jw is up and out the door for his bus by seven forty five.
Hope you have a great day... Enjoy!!!!


Annie said...

I so understand your feelings! We have a set of twins here that one is disabled and the other isnot. the sister that is not disabled is so good to her sister. i can't really explain it in words but I think you will find as the girls get older they will have a very special relatioship, although it sounds like they already do.