Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mike's bike

These are of the bike. Aslo, I included pictures of the outside of our home. I promised some that I would. It's not the greatest place in the world. But we love it! It's a great size place,it has three bedrooms and two living rooms. We made it a four bedroom and one living room. We have a good size kitchen and pantry, off the pantry is the tiny bathroom with it's half tub and tiny little sink.. With toilet.. Have just enough room to stand, turn and sit.. LOL
The other pictures below, that I didn't explain about are of Kaylee in the Early Intervention center in their swing. She just loved that! And the other is Kyla in her horse.. She finally learned, by watching Emma, how to climb on and off it all by herself. She actually wakes around eight in the mornings and plays in her room for at least an hour before she tells anyone that she is ready to get out and eat breakfast. It's so cute...
Even funnier, yesterday she managed to take her diaper off. She decided that she had poopies in her pants and she didn't want to sit in it any longer. So when Melissa went to get her going for the day, she had seen her bare bottomed. LOL