Friday, May 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Mike and Christina

Well, Mike and I had our joint birthdays again. His was the 18th and Mine was today the 21st. The cool decorated cake with Emma holding it was her favorite Uncle Michael and the blue and white one was for Mike and I from Melissa, Bruce, and the girls.. They both tasted very good... But shhh don't tell anyone, Emma's tasted much better. LOL
This weekend Mike and I will go out and celebrate our days together, like we do each year. I'm getting him some things for fishing and he is getting me a leather jacket. I'll take pics when we get them. Mine is mail order.
Other then that, there really hasn't been alot going on. Last weekend, Mike took Jw fishing for the day and going to five different spots, they didn't even get a small nibble. So, Mike said he will take him to Beach Pond this weekend and see if he can do better. It will be nice to be able to spend a weekend with my son celebrating something. Not only is it our birthdays, but it is also, Memorial day weekend and we are going to a family cook out. That will be nice. It's at Mike's cousin Jane's. And as you see from previous posts, we have such a great time there.. Can't wait!
So happy day to all. I had one.. LOL Mike woke me with "birthday spankings" LOL all b/c our good friend Kim asked if Mike got bday spankings for his.. LOL
Other then that, I cooked a shit dinner and the dishes are still in the sink. B/c I refuse to wash dishes on my bday.. Don't you agree????
I got alot of great birthday wishes from friends and church friends online. It was great.. My family that wished me happiness was Andrea and Rick, Jeanine, Kerri (Mike's cousin), Valerie (Mike's sister) Amazingly enough, My father didn't remember.. Go figure.. He is a man and he forgets things like that.. My step daughter says later on, Oh yeh, your cards are still upstairs.. Know what, it's the next day and the cards are STILL upstairs.. lol They have more to do and remember then "mom's" birthday.. Mike got breakfast in bed.. Mom gets a "oh yeh your cards are upstairs and you and dad share that cake." LOL I paid for that cake..(for Mike)
I told Mike tonight, through text, pretty good, at least he loves me... I got more response from him today then anyone. I had to get up and cook dinner(so I made sure I made a shit meal lol why not) and I refused to wash the dishes, so they sat there) and I get from Mel's boyfriend, it's your bday today.. Oh I didn't know. your so close to Mike's.. UMMM yeh, we spoke of it all the time.. And Mel said nothing...
I see it's ok to be appreciated when she needs things and a babysitter.. But other then that, I am just Dad's wife... Oh well, at least I know my true family and friends that love me... Thanks guys.. I really appreciated it...


Jodi Reeve said...

It sounds like it was a wonderful day. Happy Birthday! Are you going to be wearing that coat in the summer time?