Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday 3 Oct.

“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.”- Proverbs 27:1
Is that kind of the same things as don't assume things will always fall into place, b/c you planned it that way? Mike is always telling me this. Especially when it comes to money. We always lose out, when we assume it will be there..
What a great week this week. It has gone by so quickly. Today at church was fabulous! I love sitting in those pews and just listening to the Pastor speak. He is such a great teacher. We are still on the subject of "My best friend" The Holy Spirit. If we allow Him into our lives we will be so much happier.. It amazes me that some people are afraid to have the Spirit in their lives. Other's just don't b/c then they are guilty of so much. I myself want more of Him in my heart, my soul, my life. I want the Spirit to be with me always.
It's funny when I was growing up and even after I had my son, I would go to my mom and seek advice on just about everything I ever did in my life. And my mom was awesome about giving me the answers I needed or desired. After her death, It was the hardest thing in my life to have to make those decisions on my own. Then upon learning, alot of my decisions, I can still get answers to,if I just asked. I just needed to ask in the proper ways. It may not be from my mom now. but, I'm blessed enough to know that if I seek hard enough and pray about it, I still can get answers to my questions. Granted it's not as an instant, like Mom's answers. But, that is ok too. I need to learn sometime.
We took Kyla to church with us today. I was a bit leary of sending her to the nursery, b/c she has really never been anywhere like that w/o someone from her family. But it was so funny. when the lady asked Kyla her name, she replies, "in a minute." So the lady says, "ok when your ready to tell me your name, I'll be ready to hear it." LOL I put her down to the floor so she could stand. We pointed to "her" special door (they have cut out of the wall for their size) and she was OFF! Right through the door w/o even looking back to see if we were following. We never heard a peep out of her the entire service. Here Melissa worried about sticking her in pre-school for a time. Today proved her to having no issues being with other children her age. So cool!
Susan and I are going to try and up our walks to 2.5 miles this week. We've mastered 2miles w/o a hitch. So I wanted to try and increase by a half mile at a time. Hoping that will work. Oh well, we'll see what tomorrow brings...