Friday, November 12, 2010

working toward normalcy

Things are slowly merging back into a normal existence around here. Mike got discharged from the hospital day before yesterday. We went and got his pay (finally) and then picked up all the things he needed for meds and dressings for his finger. Came home ate some dinner. I was so exhausted that I actually fell asleep by like 9pm or so. My poor precious hubby stayed up all night. I was at first coming down on him for no sleep.. But come to find out he was afraid to go to sleep. He thought the entire night about his mom, and friends his age and younger who have died from diabetic complications, High blood pressure, as well as his new diagnosis of kidney disease. He was balling his eyes out telling his daughter and I, how he was so afraid to leave us and worried about how we would survive without him. It broke my heart.
After absorbing what he said and calming him as much as we could, I finally looked at him and said, "ok from thinking the entire night, tell me what your game plan is to fight this whole thing." He replied with, " head on.." I asked, alone, with help, what?? I finally said ok, we've done this before a couple times. Everytime it starts out ok and you do well for awhile. Then, you slip up and fall back into the same patterns as always.. We all do. Our diets and exercise in our life just SUCKS! So now it's time to try and do it GOD's way. Let's put it all in GOd's lap and let him work through us and carry us through to complete what we start. For I know with my fibro and chronic fatigue is just as much as important and if I'm down and out I can't take care of him either. So it's a together thing.. If he is going to fight to live for his family. Then I can fight to lose weight and strengthen myself to help in taking care of him and our family also..
So I emailed the pastor as well as his wife, who in over the women's ministry and asked where do we go from here?? IT's time to become closer to God as well as each other and work to strengthen our bodies and help fix our bodies..
But that is where I stand as of now. It's going to be very difficult for the holidays. We both like to eat in celebration of the holiday and over indulge. Heck, I even suggested when I put back my weight these past few months, that I would just step back and wait till the new year and start fresh again. For I know what the holidays do to me, especially... But with this in our lives, I nor he cannot wait for that time. It has to be now. I'm searching online as much as I can for diabetic and cardiac diets for him to eat. I figured if I cooked that way for him, It would benefit me to eat the same way. I can lose weight and strengthen in that way also..