Well today wasn't a complete wash out. I finally managed to get my buns up and out of bed by 1pm. Seeing as I didn't fall asleep till well after three or so. I listened to Mike lay next to me (his only night off this week) quietly sleeping, inhaling, exhaling, doing it the cute way that I giggle at everytime I watch him. Every once in awhile you would hear a gurgle, a sigh or a murmurring and even a few moans. It amazes me how entertaining it can actually be to watch a man sleep. He actually has expressions at times on his face just as well. Makes you wonder if he is dreaming or just thinking in his sleep. Who knows. but as he laid there content and out like a light, I was awake trying to get the medication to kick in and take the pains of my right leg, my back and my head to go away. I did all I could do online and wasn't in the mood to getting back on and doing any more, so I choose to read and read and read.. By three o'clock my head hurt enough to know, it's time to stop reading before you get a migrane. So I closed the book, went to the bathroom and curled up against Mike and as he put his arm around me and pulled me further in, I started relaxing enough to actually start to fall asleep.I was really finally ready. And people ask me why I stay up all night and sleep all day.. Well when you have such a great hubby that loves snuggling with you, you too will wait to fall asleep for it too, instead of sleeping alone..
So anyway, he woke up and went downstairs sometime around 11 he said. I never even heard him get up. I was finally OUT... Around 1 I heard Sam downstairs talking to him (that's his cousin's girlfriend)and laughing. I looked at the clock and was like WOw! it's that late?? Guess I better get up. I've got to get to Walmart and get what we need. Ha! That didn't last. I felt soo bad looking at our one dog Haylee bite and itch again. Knowing that we spent all the money we could and only had enough to get the rest of the stuff we apsolutely need at Walmart. So I plundered myself back up the stairs, grabbed my haircutting scissors and dog comb and towel, and back down again. I sat on the floor (big mistake) and commenced on giving this poor baby a very short haircut. Taking all the matts she had made in the past month in her hair from licking, biting and sucking on her itchy skin.. approx an hour and half later, I finished and went to stand up and barely could. My poor back was ON FIRE! So I just kind of rolled myself to the chair, propped my feet up and sat there for approx a half hour before I could move again. But poor Haylee needed that bath, badly.. So up I went and gave it to her.. Now not only my back is gone but my legs are shot too.. So when I was done, back to the chair i went for another half hour before I started dinner. I managed to get dinner done and cleaned up and got Mike's lunch made for work. Now I know Mike would have probably fended for himself for dinner if I begged him enough and he would of thrown something in his lunch for tonight. But I love doing this for him. this is my way of showing him the love and appreciation that i have for him. This is the man that works for us and supports us. My measlely SSDI check doesn't even cover the full rent. So I'm thankful that he does what he does. so I want to be able to show that by doing what I do for him. And trust me if i gave that man scissors and said, here you cut her hair.. OH my word LOL Granted she isn't perfect by NO Means, from me doing it.. but at least 90% of her hair is close to one length. If he did it.. NOPE not even close.. lol So I have to do it.. lol
But the good news is after he leaves for work, I get what I need for the upstairs and I pack it in for the night. I turn on the heating pad and hit the bedroom and relax for the remaining of the night till I'm ready to go to sleep. I've not fully waited for Mike to make it home from work for a few weeks now. Due to the fibro. my sleep patterns alternate alot. With each flare up, is when it switches to different times. So which ever works.. At least I get a few hours with him.. I'm still not crawling out when he is coming in.. which is nice..
Anyway, that is my day.. On the good news, I got to talk to Jw tonight. he was just coming out of youth group. I was so happy to hear his voice. It's been a few days since last we spoke. Man I miss him with every fiber of my being. I want him back with me soooo badly.. I can't stand it. WE are hoping and praying very hard that next summer that he will want to come and live with us. Hopefully coming down for Xmas, spring break (we hope we can afford it) and obviously summer vacation. But for the previous two that he falls in love enough to tell his father, come summer I just want to stay with my mom.. But for really good news, melissa has set it up with just about everyone that she is moving down come the end of next month. WE are so excited to at least get our daughter and granddaughters coming.. That will be a step in the right direction... So thank the good LORD for that one.. We've prayed so much for these. He is listening and slowly answering our prayers...
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Tues/wed blog can you believe it's Sept 1st??
Posted by ChristinaS at 11:14 PM 0 comments
Tues/wed word
“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”- Proverbs 22:6
I agree. If you raise your child in the way of the Lord, He will follow. Granted it may not always be in the same direction your in. But they will be heading to the same destination. I can deffinantly vouch for that.
Psalm 135-136, 1 Corinthians 12
(for those of you that do read my bible blogging. I figure I write so much as it is, that I don't put in everything that i've read. I like to just include what I feel in my heart that has stood out to me or moved me. Then if needed I go from there and write what I feel. Other times I will just leave it alone)
1 Praise the LORD. [a]
Praise the name of the LORD;
praise him, you servants of the LORD
Psalm 136
1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good.
His love endures forever.
26 Give thanks to the God of heaven.
His love endures forever.
1 Corinthians 12
Spiritual Gifts
12The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. 13For we were all baptized by[c] one Spirit into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
27Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. 28And in the church God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, also those having gifts of healing, those able to help others, those with gifts of administration, and those speaking in different kinds of tongues. 29Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? 30Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues[d]? Do all interpret? 31But eagerly desire[e] the greater gifts.
And now I will show you the most excellent way. ((all I could say when done here was WOW!!! Now that is a gift!!!
My other favorite site to read on a daily basis is Girlfriends in God. They also give a daily scripture and then a daily devotional.. This is todays scripture. I just love it..
Yes, Jesus Loves Me!
Mary Southerland
Today's Truth
Matthew 19:14 "Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. ‘"
How awesome is that?? Our Children are just as important as we are, if not even more so.. thank You!!!
Posted by ChristinaS at 10:51 PM 0 comments
Monday personal note
We finally ventured to Pensacola Harley Davidson today. What a magnificent store that is. Mind you we've gone to Fort Walton Beach a couple times, but this place is nothing compared to Pensacola. We fell in love with the shop and above all the people. Awesome!!! They are so friendly, so informative, and like read your mind and let you know what your thinking. How cool is that.. It's a bit further of a ride the Ft Walton bch but so much more worth it. I can't wait to go back again.
We decided that since it was almost six o'clock that we better get something in Mike's belly. Being a diabetic, you don't want to wait too long to eat. So we found out that further down the road, just past the hwy entrance was a Ryan's buffet.. We like that place due to the prices.. Where can you pay $9.79 for all you can eat and have banana pudding w/ nilla wafers n banana chunks.. *dessert* You have to love it. We can't even be that cheap at the local Sonic.. Geez! Not with Mike's appitite. LOL So in we went and found that it was so much more appealing, appatizing and over all just down right better then the Crestview Ryan's. Unreal..
After that I drove us home and we ended up going to the neighbors for some social time and hanging with good friends. Gotta love it. And of all things they fed us again. This was a really cool salad with steak strips in it. Out of this world. Granted we didn't eat a whole lot since we were full. But enjoy every bite of it. They even loaded up a tubberware full for tomorrow. I mean how awesome is that. We just love them guys. we then just sat on their couch and listened to them playing rock band for a couple sets and then decided it was time to come home. I really needed to fold and put away the clothes from going to the mat the other day.. lol.. I never do that.. usually i come right home and do it.. I've hurting so badly.. Oh well, it's done now.
that's about it for now. or should say, that's enough for now. lol I surely have my dad's talent of talking.. lol Sorry dad I love you with all my heart.. <3 <3
Posted by ChristinaS at 1:47 AM 0 comments
verse of the day
“Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. Today, if you hear his voice,”- Psalm 95:6-7
It does go on further to say basically if you harden your hearts and don't head His word, it states in verse 11 So I swear in My wrath, "they shall not enter My rest."
Well can't get any clearer then that. I mean you either listen to the teaching and obey His commandments or you cannot return to the Heavenly kingdom...
Psalm 132-134, 1 Corinthians 11:17-34
Psalm 134
A song of ascents.
1 Praise the LORD, all you servants of the LORD
who minister by night in the house of the LORD.
2 Lift up your hands in the sanctuary
and praise the LORD.
3 May the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth,
bless you from Zion.
I just like this one. I love the idea of lifting your hands in the sanctuary and praising the Lord. At first noticing and doing were so awkward. But truth be told, I can feel the reasoning of it. My heart fills with the Joy of knowing that I"m doing it for the Lord. Whether it be in sharing a prayer to a fellow member or to praising to the Lord.. It's just awesome..
In my Girlfriends in God site this is their verse of the day
Today's Truth
Isaiah 26:3-4 (ICB) "You, Lord, give true peace. You give peace to those who depend on you. You give peace to those who trust you. So, trust the Lord always. Trust the Lord because he is our Rock forever."
I know when I am at my wits end and I'm down and out to place all my "issues" in the Lord and he will handle them as he sees fit. Since we've moved down to Fla our biggest issues were financial problems. I would make statements to the Lord, " why did I pray so much before we moved, to come down to this. when I prayed your reassured me that this was the right thing, up and leave your children and grandchildren and go south to a place you've never seen or been and to stay with a woman that you've only known on the computer. Mike only known of her from almost 20 years ago. But on blind faith we packed up the moving truck, put our truck on a dolly and drove for three days *because we were asked to take as long as we could* Only to get there to be told we had three months to get out. Mike had no job, was on TDI, me collecting my SSDI and we were struggling. But You tell us to move on down, and have faith." We did find a great church, Mike returned working for Eckerd Youth, he did lose money in pay, but we figured, cost of living down her is cheaper. HMMF sure. in some ways, but in others no... But slowly having the trust in the Lord and knowing that our treasure is coming with in the struggle and trials that we've been through. One prayer has been answered. Melissa is suppose to move down the end of Sept. That will leave Jw. We are having him come for Xmas. In hopes that he falls in love and wishes to come back spring break *possibly* then back for summer vacation and praying that he wants to come for good. Praying that he falls in love with the idea that this is the place he needs to be. I miss my family sooo much!!! But I keep praying that it will all work out one day.. And beg for patience along the way..
Posted by ChristinaS at 1:20 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sun/mon wee hours
Sunday ended up being a very achy painful day. Along with that brought the fatigue. I actually woke by lunch time and was pretty sore. So I decided to read and see if after a bit I could function and start moving. Guess not, for I fell back asleep and didn't wake until after 4pm. I made myself get up by then. I made dinner and cleaned the kitchen up and got Mike's lunch prepared for work. Granted today was his day off, but also his on call day. So they asked him to come in and cover the shift. He wasn't feeling to hot either but went in.
It's been raining for the last few days/nights, due to a stalled tropical storm/ hurricane activity in the gulf. I'm sure with all this, that the barrametric pressure is through the roof and that is why I'm having this flare up. Never mind that I went to the laundry mat and did our two weeks worth of clothes. This always wipes me right out.
I have stopped going to the gym, oh I'd say like three months ago. We just financially couldn't afford it any longer. And since all the really healthy foods are alot more expensive then the cheap by products, we've been eating way off our regular healthy diets. So in turn I've put back on all the weight that I did lose. So of course it's part of the pain issues also. That infects the joints and others. WE are budgeting out to the penny.
By the 27th Melissa is moving down with the twins. So that will financially help out alot for us. WE have Mike's cousin staying with us. but he thinks that just paying the increase in the utilities was enough to help in living expenses. but tonight we had a "family meeting" and we told him with Melissa coming with the twins and everyone being in the home. WE all are going to split and help more. So I increased his rent and made it $50 cheaper b/c we also shipped him into the smaller spare room. I told him that Mels bed, Kaylee's crib and kyla's toddler bed. She Had to have the bigger room. Kaylee has medical paraphinalia also that she needs the room for. Hopefully with everything she will fit in there, until she gets on section 8 and gets her own place. Which I'd rather her just stay here with us. I'm sure Jason will move before she will. He still thinks he can go cheaper..(((so let him)) Nothing much more we can do. WE need help also...
But that is about it for now. Life is really boring when you do nothing... But goign to try and sleep now. My med has kicked in and i'm groggy. I need to run errands today and get Mike's insulin. So i need some sleep..Write more later tonight sometime..
Posted by ChristinaS at 1:59 AM 0 comments
another day
This is a pushed one. seeing as it's now quarter to four in the morning and I'm a bit dopey from my pain med. I knew I had to keep to my promise and do my dailies. I've already missed one. Can't keep that up. I won't be sticking to my goal. So here goes today's reading and scripture of the day..
“Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household,”- Ephesians 2:19
Psalm 129-131, 1 Corinthians 11:1-16
4 But the LORD is righteous;
he has cut me free from the cords of the wicked.
5 May all who hate Zion
be turned back in shame.
Psalm 130
3 If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins,
O Lord, who could stand?
4 But with you there is forgiveness;
therefore you are feared.
7 O Israel, put your hope in the LORD,
for with the LORD is unfailing love
and with him is full redemption.
8 He himself will redeem Israel
from all their sins.
Oh I love this. This is our promise that if we put our hope, our lives and everything we stand for in Christ. Then we will be blessed from his crucifiction. Thank you Lord Jesus for that...
Psalm 131
3 O Israel, put your hope in the LORD
both now and forevermore.
1 Corinthians 11
1Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ. This is the way to the Promise Land...
Posted by ChristinaS at 1:47 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Saturday post..
Ok I already missed a night and it's not even been an entire night. Go figure..
“Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”- John 6:29
It's a blessing. But it's also our only way back to live with our Father to begin with. Can't have it w/o the belief never mind love of Him..
Psalm 126-128, 1 Corinthians 10:19-33
3 The LORD has done great things for us,
and we are filled with joy. This is an understatement.
4 Thus is the man blessed
who fears the LORD.
5 May the LORD bless you from Zion
all the days of your life;
may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem,
There are blessings of great Joy from this. Yet you have to keep working for this. It doesn't just get handed over to you.
6 and may you live to see your children's children.
Peace be upon Israel I pray that this will come about. I really do.
It rained most of the entire day today. So I was quite sluggish in all I did. But I managed to get some errands done and go to the laundry mat. Now I have got to get up the stairs and fold and put away the stuff. Still haven't done that. It's like day 8 still having this dam headache on top of my head. It seems the pills just cover it then when they wear off, it comes back..Weird. Back is sore and arms are.. but nothing really major.
I guess a snake came up on our porch today. Mike and I were sleeping so we missed it. Sam took a picture of it with her phone. It is thought to being an Oak snake. From looking online, it looks to being a poisonous snake. Great just what we need. Oh well, if it comes back, I can't say it will live a second time. B/c Jason's friend let it back up the tree.. So hope he's smart enough to keep going.. lol
Posted by ChristinaS at 9:01 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 26, 2010
“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.”- Isaiah 26:3 NIV in KJV it says, "You will keep him in perfect peace.Whose mind is stayed on You.
This was a tough one for me. I had to go back and read the entire chapt. From what I get of it, I may be wrong and if I am please correct me. If you continue to stay in the footsteps of the LOrd He will keep watch over you.. Something like that I presume...
That was the scripture of the day.. The reading plan for the day is Psalm 120-122, 1 Corinthians 9
The very first verse I just love:
1 I call on the LORD in my distress,
and he answers me. I mean you can't get any better then this. I have been praying for days upon days now to the Lord, in great distress about everything going on around here, From not getting cash from Jason, to not having enough money to get to RI to bring Melissa down. To everything. We are so desperate to have our prayers answered in help. It seems everything is financial. We have been in a set back now for the past six months that we have been clawing our way back daily from it. It's soooo hard!
In the following chapt. 121 it is asking who will watch over us. And it is a promise that that Lord will continually watch over day or night. No matter what he will keep us from any harm.
Anyway, today was mostly spent sharing with Mike today and what not. Right up till I drove him to work. So now that it's almost twelve thirty and I have to be up by five to pick him up from work. I must get the rest of my emails done so I can get to sleep for few hours. Good Night Bloggers...
Posted by ChristinaS at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Weds/Thurs 8/26/10
Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light for my path.
I just love that.. It's so beautifully written.. I heard Sis. Anne say it a couple times in conference. Then I seen it on her FB page.. just love it. I just stumpled upon it today in my daily devotional reading..
Well after a long and tiring night last night. I fially fell asleep around one thirty AM only to be awakened again by 4:20 AM. My head hurt so badly. All I did the entire time I slept was dream of the situation we are dealing with here. Between Jason/Sam not paying any cash to stay and ONLY helping with food and trying to deal wtih the idea of how to get Melissa to move down here, we are just beside ourselves with so much stress. I was so consumed with so many different thoughts running through my brain, that I couldn't fall back asleep till well after 8am. I was hurting so badly and so emotionally tired, that I had to email Sis. Christy and let her know that I would not be making it to the soup kitchen either. I was so depressed. I looked fwd to going and helping out today.. Anyway, I got to the point that this afternoon, I finally broke down and told Sam my issues and she presented it to Jason and he came and I told him everything. Then told him that we would be havig a family meeting about it at a later point. AT this family meeting I'm going to have him sign a paper to the fact of what we agreed upon, so he won't come back and say, that is not what we agreed on. Like he has done so many times. I'm through with that..
But it was enough to let off some of the stress level that I've been dealing with. Now I'm going to put Mike's Harley in the paper to see if we can get any bites on it. For that is the only way I believe we will be able to get the funds up to go and get Melissa w/o biting off more then we can chew. I feel so badly for him. I know that is his only "release" and I pray that he can save enough fast enough to pay off his new bigger and better bike. B/c he needs that stress reliever very much.. We have to do something for more income quickly also b/c we are slowly drowning in our own debts. Losing that whole $1 an hour made a pretty good difference in our budget. I can't believe how much so. Here we are trying to payoff the deposits and we keep getting the rug pulled out from under us and we get further behind. Now we are making up for the bounced check of the rent last month. (Due to a company that was told DONOT TAKE MY MONEY AGAIN.. CANCEL OUR ACCT.. and they don't listen..
Take note, NEVER and I mean NEVER apply for a payday loan online. They like to send your name to companies that you have no knowledge about until after they take monies out of our personal acct. go figure.. UGH!!! So now we are digging deeper in our pockets to come up with even more rent.. I'll be paying the landlord twice a month, you wait and see. Unreal!!!
Please Lord answer our prayer.. We really need a miracle to come around. We've been trying to sell things, I offer to baby sit for work, I can't work a regular job due to my illness. So it's up to Mike to be the soul worker and he is so wiped out from doing third shift, that it's really difficult for him to wake up and even look for another job. I feel so badly for him.. I just wish there was some way to help out more. Besides kick his cousin in the pants.. Either pay up or get out.. WE are NOT your parents and we shouldn't have to take care of you like we are.. UGH!!! Anyway, it's now three AM and I really need to try and get some sleep.
WOw! I feel a bit better just by getting that out of my system.. phew.....
Posted by ChristinaS at 12:37 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
tues word
“I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.”- Psalm 116:1-2
I have to give alot of kudos for this one.. Why you ask, before I even I got to the computer I took the dogs out. I was praying in the field while they were wondering around looking for a place to pee. I prayed that we will find a resource to be able to borrow from to go up to RI and be able to get up to RI and go pick up our daughter who is in need. She is on the verge of losing her place, staying at Mike's sisters house. Just like Michelle has done to everyone else, she has people stay with her, take care of her daughter *in supposed reduction in rent* but she still charges an astronomical price to live.. Now she tells Melissa better go put your name in housing, I'm losing mine and going to live in my friend's basement. UNREAL, there is a waiting list a mile long and can take up to a year to get in if not longer.
But to have this scripture given to me is a reassurance to know that He does hear my prayers and He will answer me. Thank you Lord for everything you do for me and my family...
Posted by ChristinaS at 9:37 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 23, 2010
daily readings. Monday day 1
This isn't part of the daily readings. But when you first sign on to the site it gives a daily scripture.. I thought it was appropriate to share b/c it fills my heart to know this is so true..
“When I said, "My foot is slipping," your love, O LORD, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.”- Psalm 94:18-19
The reading begins at Psalms 113 and 1 Corinthians 6 (I started late so I will have to catch up later on when the new year comes around or the Spirit guides me there.
Praise the LORD. [a]
1 Praise, O servants of the LORD,
praise the name of the LORD 4 The LORD is exalted over all the nations,
his glory above the heavens 9 He settles the barren woman in her home
as a happy mother of children.
Praise the LORD. (I think of Brandi again with this. She has been barren for quite sometime now. She was blessed Saturday by Sis. Anne that her innerds were to be better and that the Lord will provide a way for her to be able to have the child she ever so wanted. What a blessing to have...
Praise God, for he is the only one that can do that.. Praise God for the miracles that He performs in His time to bless others with.. Praise Him for the blessings in my life, even through the trials that we face in our daily lives, I KNOW, as Sis. Anne said, there will be quite the treasure to follow. I told Mike yesterday, through my tears, even with the way we moved down here, we were meant to be here, just not sure as to why. Maybe with the bringing of Melissa and the twins down, that is our treasure, I'm not sure. He's not sure,but we are willing to put it into the Lord's hands and let him mold our future to the way He sees fit.
Next is 114 Psalms I don't see the significance as of yet but will keep reading.. to 115 Psalms.
13 he will bless those who fear the LORD—
small and great alike.
14 May the LORD make you increase,
both you and your children.
15 May you be blessed by the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
16 The highest heavens belong to the LORD,
but the earth he has given to man.
17 It is not the dead who praise the LORD,
those who go down to silence;
18 it is we who extol the LORD,
both now and forevermore.
Praise the LORD. [b]
In order to be blessed by His blessings we must be able to acknowledge him, Praise Him, Let the world know we Praise Him. in the beginning of this chapt. it stresses how the city asks where is your Lord for he is not here. He is in Heaven they say. I feel He is here. But yes He does reside in Heaven. Blessings are reaped in the believers and followers.. And as Pastor Mark said yesterday, we need to not only learn of Him and get stirred up in our souls, but we need to Kinetically release our teachings to others and spread the news in order to continue to grow. We need to share it with the less fortunante whether it be prisoners, ppl in hospitals, etc etc etc.. We need to take our lives from the mediocre parts of Marah and tread our way to the bit more difficult parts of life of Elim. Thats where you will find Eternity.
The biggest part of 1 Corinthians 6 that stood out to me, was the how immoral acts are a sin. and in conclusion this last verse stood out to me. 18Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. 19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.
This was the daily reading for the day. That's alot to read in a days time. Alot of different passages. But I guess to be able to read the bible in a year it's how it is done. Not too bad.. Maybe once in mylife I can actually get through this and have it done..
Posted by ChristinaS at 8:56 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Sunday update
Well I have to say yes it's been a very long time since I've been here. But I decided today after coming home from church, I don't have any empty notebooks hanging around and sometimes, when I do write for long periods of times, my hand and fingers cramp up. So why not go and start a live journal online and keep up that way. I am going to fill my inspirations as well as my personal insites on my life and life around me. Fair warnings, all may not be pleasant and I may gripe about things, but this way I can get that off my chest and carry on with my day(s) in a Christ like manner and be able to be the person that I needed to be. I have vowed that I am changing my ways and need to stop putting myself in Marah and lead myself BACK to Eflin is it and stay in the light of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am ready! I also went up today to Sister Christy and I told her that I was emailing her all my information and I wanted her to lead me and use me where she needed me to be. For I cannot grow spiritually alone and my family cannot grow spiritually w/o someone stepping forward and being the vessel that is needed to help it along. As I told Brandi Carrano (she and her husband are couple missionaries in Madrid Sprain) I told her how I'm a firm believer on when Mohammed went to the mountain b/c the mountain wouldn't come to him. (obviously) I'm not one to sit back and wait for someone to come and pick up my mat and carry me to Jesus b/c I need his light in my life. I am going to pick up my mat (as long as the good Lord allows me) and I'm going to carry it myself and run as fast as I can to his feet and take in as much light as I can get from him. And if someone allow the way needs me to pick theirs up too and carry it them for them, I can do that too. I"m here.. I'm ready to be the person I am and Help as many as I can..
Thank you Lord for this inspiration and Thank you Holy Spirit for coming into my soul and opening my heart and giving me the inspiration i needed this week at women's conference to know I need this so very much!I have met a couple of new friends at womens conference but the most inspiring that I've met was Brandi Carrano. Not for her talk, not for what she did on the alter. But for her radiance, but for her warmth, her love of Christ and the Almighty God Himself. Her love that just flows from her being and as she wrapped her arms around me I knew I had to befriend this woman and cling on to her love and learn from her. I put a friend request into her facebook and wrote her a short letter to let her know what she did in my heart just in that few very short moments..
It all started with me sitting in he pew listening to Sis. Anne Bosman, my heart just over flowing with the words and prayers that she was annointing upon others. The message or the "word" that she was presenting at that given moment.. I kept hearing in my head, "you need a hug, you need a hug, I need a hug, dang it you really need a hug." Now mind you No one can hear my heart, no one can hear what is being said in my head..So if the hug can't come to me (mountain won't go to Mohammed) then by all means I needed to go to that hug.. Now I felt like I needed to go to Sis. Anne b/c she made me feel like I needed this. But as the program ended and I got up to go down to Sis. Anne, something literally stopped me. Turned me to Sis Brandi and pushed me to her. I looked at her and said, "I'm sorry I really need a hug and since of course, hugs just don't come running to you." This wonderful woman wrapped her arms around my whole body and just squeezed me to her and whispered in my ear the love or Jesus and the love of life and just over flowed an already full heart. Talk about WOW!!! Talk about bawling your eyes out more then what I have already done. HOLY SMOKES!!! It was like I had known this lady my whole entire life and never let a moment pass w/o conversing with her.I just love this woman... I can't wait to actually get to know more of her and her life in Spain. She is working miracles and I pray that the miracles follow her in her life.
But this is just a "small" don't laugh but a small synapsis of what has been going on in my life these past few days. I can't wait to be able to write about more. I have set a goal to give a few minutes a day to the Father and to ponder on Him. So I will do my best to come on a daily basis and write about that..
Posted by ChristinaS at 9:12 AM 0 comments