Here is the picture of Kyla drinking out of her new sippy cup. Granted she plays with it alot, but she actually did get like a quarter of it out of the cup. It was cool... She found a new voice, besides growling, she now has a high pitch squeal as well if she gets loud enough, she actually hurts my ears... Not that that is hard to do. I have such sensitive eardrums. I got the pleasure of babysitting her yesterday, how fun... Melissa went with Mike to help clean out the rest of his parent's house. They finally got a buyer and he is wanted a quick sell. So hopefully if all goes well, the house will be closed and out of all of our hands with in the following two weeks.
Jw stayed home yesterday sick yet again. This has been the worst past month and then some. He has been sick off and on for awhile. According to the nurse at school and also to his dr's office they all said that all the kids have been getting sick like this off and on. GO figure... I'll be so glad when spring and the warm weather comes and all this will come to a stop.. Woo hoo!
The other joys of watching my grandbabies. After the day was said and done, Melissa and my sister in law went and got their nails done so I got an even better pleasure.. I got both girls at once. They are so attatched. It is so cool. Kyla loves being with her sister, she loves spending all the time she can with her. So we all try to take advantage of it as much as possible. This is the two of them laying on my bed, they both just woke up from a short nap.... Aren't they just so cute.....
Well, I better get off here. I have a busy day today. I need to get dinner out of the freezer and get showered and shaved. I have my Eurology appt. today for getting that scope done. I had to cancel last weeks appt. due to me being ill. SO I guess I can't put it off any longer. Need to find out what the problem is in there. Hopefully there is just nothing and all is well.....
Aren't grandkids great! i love being with ours. It's the hardest thing about being here in Nevada, not being close to them!
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