Monday, February 18, 2008

President's Day... A lazy day!!!!

Oh Mann! It's the begining of school vacation... Happy Happy Joy Joy... The only good news is that I don't have to find things for Jw to do this vacation. He is totally grounded during the whole thing... But I do have an easy button, I swear. Technically he is only allowed to come out of his room for meals and the bathroom. But I have been allowing him to visit here and there with us and during the week I have allowed the nurse, Kim, to do things with him also. They are going to bake and make lasagna. Not sure exactly what days they are doing what. But I had to give him something... I know I'm soft hearted... LOL I made a comment like, "even people on solitary confinment get an hour a day of sunshine." So why can't my kid get some sort of freedom.... So he has been spending alot of his days making forts out of his blankets and rearranging his room and what ever else he can find that I won't notice till after it's all done.....
Well, I went back to the gym on Saturday afternoon. I increased my time limit and speed on the treadmill and tore myself up. By Sunday morning I couldn't walk with out holding my bumm from the torture of taking each step... My upper arms are really sore due to the fact that I tried pushing up on the rails to lesson the pain on my shins... DUMB move! from my shoulder blades to my elbows are killing.. WE chose to ONLY do that Saturday. After we finished there we sat in the steam room for five mins. , then went in the jacuzzi for fifteen mins.. to relax it out a bit... Then I had to come home and get back to reality again...
The only good thing was that it was peacefully quiet when I got home. Mike and Jw were at the storage shed getting some things... And then they got hair cuts and hung out for a bit together. Melissa and the girls went to Maine for a weekend retreat for her friend's baby shower. So it was really quiet. After my shower I just relaxed, watched tv and fell asleep off and on till they came home at six thirty. We ordered dinner and I went back to bed for the night.
I didn't make it to church needless to say. I was not attempting to walk and be in heels for that period of time. For no one.... So I just lazed around the house and only walked when I apsolutely had to... Today I took another steamy hot shower and loosened up some more. Other then that, I've still done very little. Maybe tomorrow I'll be even better...
Melissa and the girls came home and I spent some time with Kyla and the nurse stayed with Kaylee, and Melissa slept the day away, making up for her lack of from the over night...Even though it was nice and quiet, you do tend to miss them also.... Go figure....
Anyway, that is what is new going on around here. Nothing really too much. I still have the computer for now. Valerie wasn't feeling too well this weekend either. She is breaking in some new medication. So who knows when she will actually make it here to take her computer back. Until then, I guess I will enjoy it while I can.... B/c I'll tell ya, I hate the library around here....

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Joys of watching both girls at once.....

Here is the picture of Kyla drinking out of her new sippy cup. Granted she plays with it alot, but she actually did get like a quarter of it out of the cup. It was cool... She found a new voice, besides growling, she now has a high pitch squeal as well if she gets loud enough, she actually hurts my ears... Not that that is hard to do. I have such sensitive eardrums. I got the pleasure of babysitting her yesterday, how fun... Melissa went with Mike to help clean out the rest of his parent's house. They finally got a buyer and he is wanted a quick sell. So hopefully if all goes well, the house will be closed and out of all of our hands with in the following two weeks.

Jw stayed home yesterday sick yet again. This has been the worst past month and then some. He has been sick off and on for awhile. According to the nurse at school and also to his dr's office they all said that all the kids have been getting sick like this off and on. GO figure... I'll be so glad when spring and the warm weather comes and all this will come to a stop.. Woo hoo!

The other joys of watching my grandbabies. After the day was said and done, Melissa and my sister in law went and got their nails done so I got an even better pleasure.. I got both girls at once. They are so attatched. It is so cool. Kyla loves being with her sister, she loves spending all the time she can with her. So we all try to take advantage of it as much as possible. This is the two of them laying on my bed, they both just woke up from a short nap.... Aren't they just so cute.....

Well, I better get off here. I have a busy day today. I need to get dinner out of the freezer and get showered and shaved. I have my Eurology appt. today for getting that scope done. I had to cancel last weeks appt. due to me being ill. SO I guess I can't put it off any longer. Need to find out what the problem is in there. Hopefully there is just nothing and all is well.....

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Well since it's been a few days I figured I would catch up and fill you in on what is going on around here lately. Life has been alot of bad news on right after another. Go figure. Nothing with the babies this time, thank heavens just life in general. Besides Jw got into trouble at school this week. I guess there has been a couple of boys that have been picking on him. Well, yesterday he had finally had enough and when one boy pushed him down, he got up and pushed him right back. That is when they got caught. He and the boy now have all recesses taken away for the whole next week and if they get caught one more time they will be suspended for three days. I have so many mixed emotions about this. All of Jw's life he has been intimidated over everything. If someone picked on him or even beat on him, he would just come running home and whine about it. His father, step mother and my husband (step dad) kept telling him to stand up for himself and not take it from anyone. Hit them back. Do what ever you can to stand up for yourself. If you get suspended then enjoy your three days out of school. I have the mixed emotions b/c I don't approve of fighting no matter what the situation. But I don't want to see my child be beat on all his life either. So how would you justify this? Especially when you have three other people telling him no matter what the outcome stand up for yourself and hit back or whatever.

Now being in a school that has a "NO TOUCH" poilicy, as is most of them no a days. He will get punished one way or another for his actions. SO how would you teach a child that fighting is wrong if he is only standing up for himself when someone else is beating, pusing or picking on you. I always told him that if it's words, let it go. But now they are laying their hands on him. Last month I had to take pictures of Jw's leg b/c he had three bruises on them from a kid kicking him. Jw did nothing in return. So they came back after him. Telling a teacher only gets him ridiculed and picked on. So I'm so lost as to what it should be.

More bad news has come around here. The guy that was to buy my inlaws house last minute back out on his agreement and decided that if he was to actually buy the place that he wanted to pay a conisderable cheaper amount then what he last quoted to us. So of course b/c his initial bid was forty thousand cheaper then the actual appraisel, everyone turned him down. So now the house is back on the market and waiting for new prospective buyers. Now as most people know, this is not a good time to sell your home. There are so many homes to choose from that one that needs so much work and what not, why put the money into it? We surely chose against it. Most others will too. But now we have gone from our quarter of the money coming at the end of the year, to the second week of Jan. TO end of Jan. To now, let's wait and see. Puts us more and more into debt. Fun, Fun!

The cool part of life though, is, My sleeping habits have changed once again... Now I'm in bed by eight PM and I wake between four AM and six AM. It makes it nice to be awake before everyone else in the house and be able to see the sun come up and enjoy my quiet time alone before the world wakes up around here. Even cooler, at six Am I can turn off Kaylee's feeding machine and somewhere between six thirty and seven Kaylee wakes up wanting to face her day. Now seeing as Monday through Friday the nurse doesn't show up until eight o'clock. We get to chill together and hang out... That is alot of fun. So I get her up, flush her tube from feeding all night, change her diaper and bring her out to my bed and we hang out until it's time for the nurse to come. We watch tv and chat and just lay there. Sometimes she falls asleep with me and sometimes she will just sit and stare at me while I talk to her. It's cool.

She has been doing awesome. For someone who isn't suppose to do anything. She is doing ALOT. On her belly time lately, she has been holding herself up and looking around the room. On Tuesday this past week she even did push ups on her hands. It was so cool. So like we said, you don't always listen whole heartedly to the Dr's about what a child can and cannot do. B/c sometimes they may surprise you. And Kaylee has surprised all of us. She seems so alert. Sometimes she even tries to talk to us. Yesterday while the nurse put her on belly time she was staring at her fuzzy blanket.. So I went in and got her a couple of her soft books. They have bright colors and shapes on them. One wiggles when you pull the tail of the doggy and the other tweets when you push on a birds belly. She was staring at them and then started talking to them. It was soooo cool. We are going to get her a mirror so she can start looking at herself. When Early Intervention comes in, sometimes they put a mirror in front of her and she loves it.

So now Melissa knows. She will definantly not give up hope and keep working with her and prove all those dr's wrong.....
Above is the picture of Kaylee and I chilling after she finished her eight o'clock bottle. Being Saturday, I got to have the joy of feeding her. Mom got up to do it all. I had her do her meds. and I fed her. After she finished eating she relaxed enough and fell asleep on my arm. It was so cute.
Kyla on the other hand started using a sippy cup. Wic told Melissa that she was big enough to start using it. Also, that she was big enough to start eating bitter biscuts and little finger snacks. So she went and bought her a cup with handles baby cheese curls and swayback (those toasty bitter things) She loved that swayback or what ever it's called. She had it everywhere. It was all over her face, down her shirt, inside her shirt. It was halarious. She also put some formula in her cuppy and she actually drank out of it. She played and chewed on it alot. But for the first time using it, I was shocked that she actually drank some. Considering they are going to be seven months this month on the 23rd. I think she has done really well, quickly... Don't you? When Melissa puts the pics online, I'll steal one of her with her cuppy and put it up. It's soooo cute....
Anyway, I know that I've written a whole lot today. So I will stop now. I guess I have to save some for the next few days.. RIGHT???? Hope everyone has a good weekend!
OH AND BY THE WAY........ GO PATS!!!!!!!!!!!!