Thursday, October 20, 2011

almost halloween

Can you believe that it's now almost the end of October. Melissa will have a birthday on the 24th. She will be 28 years old. Imagine that, I have a daughter almost thirty.. Geesh!
Mike is still out of work. Can you imagine after being in the hospital in July, his Blood Pressure is still high and sugar still bounces. Can't imagine. The heart Dr wants him to begin dialasis and the kidney dr wants to wait till his percentage working rate is down to 15-20%. He is at 25% right now. But Cardiologist doesn't see his BP coming down until he works the kidneys first. And in the meantime, he is still out of work. His short term TDI just ran out, now they began the process for the long term to begin. They sent out a pkt for us to fill out. Then it will take up to 45 days to kick in. Praying we don't have the same issues that wwe had before and start getting things shut off. I wonder where we would be w/o Melissa helping as much as she does.. She has been such a blessing.
I still drive my friend Jenai's kids home daily from school. This past week has sucked b/c she and I have been ill. She got the blunt of that one. When I'm feeling decent I clean for her and do laundry in return for cash. That helps alot. But between my flares and now the Crud and such we've had, I'm lucky I've done anything around here. Still have Kyla during the week while Melissa works. Kaylee now has a nurse 7 days a week. That is a huge help in and of itself. I'm not so stressed, even though she had been the eaasier child. Imagine that..
Hopeing things will fall into place soon. WE've missed so much church. I stopped going to soup kitchen b/c I just can't wake up in the mornings and keep up through the days. Now my schedule is like, I wake at 1, go to salon at 2 and pick up Jenai's truck, go get kids around 2:20. Go back to shop and hang till approx 5. then I get home start supper, take care of Kyla's needs til 7. Put on a movie for her till she falls asleep. I'm back in my bed by 8:30 and can't fall asleep til 3am or so.. Story of my life. But I'm so much more comfy in the bed then not.. I hate my furniture.. Well, at least I'm out of my bed now and doing stuff. not like years ago when I would only get out of bed to pee and fix food and be back in it for eternity.. Don't ever want that again..I will fight to keep that from happening..
Oh well, that's about it.. Not alot going on.. Especially not alot of happiness. I do read alot! I'm on a reading program though my phone/online. I'm reading right now on you version Psalms and Proverbs in 30 days. I'm doing through Gateway the old testiment. And on top of that I'm reading a book called In God's House.. Loveing it.. So I make sure that I spiritually stay connected. I will never lose that again.. Come to far to fall now... I love my God and don't want to lose that relationship that I'm starting to grow on.. JUST LOVING IT!!!
Well, good night till next time in catching up.. Will post more pics one of these days.. NIGHT

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Record the following promises in your journal. Beside each promise, write the words of Psalm 23 that substantiate that promise. I have listed a few to help you get started.

God promises to meet every need in my life. “I shall not want.”
God gives me rest and peace. “He leads me beside quiet waters.”
God gives my life purpose and direction.___He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. _____________________________________
God comforts me when my heart is broken. __he restores my soul____________________________________
God promises that He will never leave me.__________for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. _____________________________
God gives me victory over my enemies. __Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, [fn] I will fear no evil, for you are with me_______________________________________
God promises me eternal life. __Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. _______________________________________________