I'm forgiven, because you were forsaken
I'm accepted; you were condemned
I'm alive and well Your spirit is within me
Because you died and rose again
Amazing love, how can it be
...That you my king would die for me
Amazing love, I know it's true
And it's my joy to honor you
n all I do I honor you
Jesus, you are my king
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Your are my King *Amazing Love* by James Foote
Posted by ChristinaS at 2:02 PM 0 comments
I have to say Easter is my most favorite holiday every. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas. I love the idea of the birth of Jesus Christ. It's the first step in preparation to Jesus growing to his whole reason for being. He is going to be crucified on the cross for ME! Well you know, for you, for me, for everyone! All you have to do is keep the Father's commandments like Jesus did and you will also be ALIVE as well...
We could not have had a more beautiful service today as we did. The spirit was as usual over whelming. Today was special. Today was Easter. Today we celebrated Christ's resurrection and how grateful we are for his atoning sacrifice so we may be able to be forgiven of ALL of our sins and be able to have EVERLASTING LIFE..
The most thing that is sticking out to me is this, In Matthew where Jesus is in the garden praying to Father about what is going to commence the very next day. He asks the disciples to keep watch and be a look out while He prays. But instead, their eyes get heavy and they continually fall asleep. Each time Jesus comes and wakes them and asks once more, to stay awake and be a look out. B/c when we are sleepy and relaxed and at a weakend state we are more suseptible to the temptations of the devil. Finally Jesus says to them.. "Rise! Let's go." Unless you sit and think about it, where is He telling them to go? But down to the Cross. Let's go to the cross and bring our sins so we can renew and start fresh again through Christ's loving atonement we can keep going back to the Cross and have do-overs in our life and keep getting the forgiveness to be able to Rise again, just like our Savior.
What a perfect plan. What an amazing promise. How amazing is it, that no matter how much we screw up, God loves us sooo much that he continually forgives us to keep going back and redeeming ourselves through Christ's blood.. Thank you Jesus for your agonizing sacrafice. So we may have this.. For we are not perfect and we can fall short alot.
I was brought up in not worshiping Christ's death, but to focus on his life, the resurrection. BUt in my heart of hearts, I had issues with this. Troubled by it.. Even as a teenager, I thought, if it wasn't for the cross and Jesus sacrifice, there would be NO resurrection. In the bible it says that through the cross we can be renewed and brought clean before our maker. If we have problems or troubles to bring it to the cross, lay it at our Lord and Saviors feet and let him carry your burdens and be set free. Because of the blood of the atonement of Jesus being put on that cross and suffering as he did, we are forgiven as often as we need, due to the fact that we are not perfect, we can fall short numerous amounts of time. It's through the cross that I'm grateful of this promise. Why forget about that? Why not focus on that Cross and keep fresh in our thoughts and in our hearts and souls this purpose.. It's my choice to be able to do this.. It's my life at almost 40 years old that I may do this. Why do I keep getting thrown in my face this is WRONG.. In my heart THIS IS RIGHT!!!!
I am proud of that cross, I am proud of the sacrafice that Jesus has done for me.. I am proud He chose to follow the Father's plan so that we may have the blessings that we have. The resurrection is the PROMISE that Father gave so that we may also have everlasting life. Thank you Father for your blessings, and thank you Jesus for your selflessness and obedience.
And because of all of this.. When I need a re-do, a make up, a lifting of my burdens, YOU BET I'M GOING TO THE CROSS AND I'm leaving my burdens with Him so that I may be lighter and allow Him to do my heavy work and let what ever HE needs to do to make it "all better for me". I have had WAY too many expiriences of goodness and mercy through HIS GRACE, that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt and could never deny to anyone. This isn't true.. And I will always be humbled because of it.. Thank you Jesus! Thank you Father! Praise and Glory is all HIS..
So in rememberance of a very happy Easter this year... Let your happiness be through HIS GRACE and ONLY HIS GRACE! B/c Easter is Grace!
Posted by ChristinaS at 1:46 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 22, 2011
Good Friday and What Easter means to me...
I wrote this in an email to our Pastor's Wife. This pretty much sums up my feelings on the resurrection for me and what Christ the Lord and Heavenly Father has done not only in my life but in my family's life as well. I have been addicted to listening to KLove the entire day. I'm so in the spirit of Easter today that I just can't get enough. People were looking at me funny as I'm driving down the road with the music blarring from the radio. Too Funny. At least singing "oh how he loves me" I didn't cry while driving this time. I'm always over taken by that song.. B/c it just tells of the love and forgiveness that He gives to all His children...
"It was such an overwhelming morning. It's amazing how the spirit just over flows in me. I look back this past year and am so blessed at the changes my whole family has made. We're just waiting for the annoucement that Pastor Mark is going to be doing baptims again. I believe from talking with my family he will have 3 St.Jeans in line to be emerged. Talk about overwhelming.. Praise God for the answered prayers of a struggling wife and mother trying to set an example for her family. To think the whole 11 yrs I've been with Mike and his daughter, neither of them cared for church. Back before Melissa started coming to church, a few days before I told him she was going to go with us. He had told me that he was thinking of taking a month and evaluating his life see if he even believed in God. I spit out as fast as I thought it, " I hope you don't want me to do the same!" For after women's conference I was "in" the spirit over take me and NOTHING and NO ONE was pulling me away.. Praise God he took me out of my life of "mormonism" which was all I've ever known in my lifetime. But I knew I was where (we) belonged. So after he went into the shower, I quietly started praying for Satan to exit my home and exit my husband and was really Getting mean in the name OF Jesus to leave my home. That following Sunday Mike up and came to church with us. He has never returned to that point.. Thank you Jesus.... He's had some slips here and there, but NEVER to that extreme. Then something happened. That last Sunday when I wasn't there, and Pastor spoke on the Holy Spirit and such, Mike came home and told me that he prayed at work and felt that the Holy spirit spoke to him.. I was flabbergasted. This is the first time I've heard of him praying. never mind getting a response. I think I fell in love all over again....
Thank you Father, Thank you LOrd for my blessings and answering a desperate plea... Anyway, I had to fill you in... You know how I have to keep you up to date on my growing testimony.. So yes, Sunday i was so overwhelmed with the spirit that it just flowed from all of me..I've never had a hungry spirit like I've had this past few months. I started a daily bible reading. I find my self reading chapts past what is assigned for that day.. I just can't get enough.. I've been reading the Left Behind Series and just amazed on how I cross reference it with His Word. It just amazes me, to what is happening in the world today and how it is so written already.. I'm praying with all my heart and soul that the enemy will not find an opening to hit up my husband again for him to back off from him wanting baptism finally. It's taken me a year to get this far.. For like I said last year, he begged me to wait for him.. I'm so afraid that it will be too late.. I know God will bless us.. But I really feel this is what we need.. That is why I've waited for him.. He doesn't do anything w/o me.. I'm amazed he actually goes to work and to church w/o me.. Thank you Jesus for that...
I love you and so thankful for the many wonderful things you have done in my life. You were my start at LPC and I feel so blesseto have such a terrific family to share my love of Christ with.. Thank you so much for opening up to me last year.. Love you..... "
Anyway, Hope everyone has a fabulous Easter and remember the whole reason for HIS LOVE and SACRAFICE for us...
Posted by ChristinaS at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 17, 2011
How Awesome Is That Day to Me
How Awesome Is That Day to Me
How awesome is that day to me-
O day of hallowed history!
Set time in God’s determined plan
To sacrifice the Son of Man.
What famous work that day was done
By Jesus Christ, His Perfect Son!
The Second Adam, sent to save,
Humbly obeying to the grave!
How savage is that day to me-
O day of pure brutality!
When Christ, the Son of God Most High,
Was fiercely whipped and hung to die.
And O the horror of my sin,
Seen there in His appalling skin!
For God struck down- as meant for me-
The sinless One, at Calvary.
How precious is that day to me-
O day of purchased liberty!
In Him, a freeman now I live;
My sins, through death, did God forgive.
No wrath at length looms o’er my head,
But lovingkindness there instead.
His righteousness, my guilt replaced,
And Love, this ransomed soul embraced!
O awesome, savage, precious day-
‘Tis God the Savior on display!
What peerless, holy, gracious Mind
Would fashion such a Grand Design?
Posted by ChristinaS at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 8, 2011
feeling no pain
Have to say I'm feeling NO PAIN.. Yesterday morning around 7AM. A 4mm stone popped out of my left kidney. OH JOY! NO JOY! More like MAMMA MIA!!! The pain from that was excruciating!!! Then with in a half hour I started vomiting and couldn't stand it. I was p'ing blood and just in agony. I said to Mike that I had yet another kidney stone coming. By Nine o'clock, my poor baby took me to the ER. I couldn't deal any longer. I was checked in with in twenty mins and hooked up to an IV and a sodium chloride bag. They gave me a Tordol(pain) and Zofran(for nausciousness) through my IV and waited to see if I could give them some urine. The Tordol did very little in easing the pain. From a ten to maybe an eight. After awhile the DR came in and hooked up a mini cath and took urine from me. That opened me enough to use the toilet. The result from that was high red blood cells (of course) and low pottasium. They sent me for a CATscan to find the 4mm stone.. Finally after that, they finally gave me my benedryl (for itch from dilauded) and 50mg of Dilauded. With in moments I was feeling better.
As they finally wrote my discharge papers and prescriptions, they told me to stop at office on the way out. The lady asks me, "how do you want to pay your bill?" I'm like umm, "I don't. I have NO Money. I had to borrow money to pay rent and you have to bill me." I also found out that I had medicare through my disability and they sent two out of three older bills to them. I was like, " I didn't even know that I had that." So I have to call Medicare and see if they will help me in the rest, from December and ask about the ones that help out for low income. Maybe they can pay my other bills from hospital stuff too.. Praying that they will.. Then I would only have Mike's to pay off. Wouldn't that be cool..
Mike's laser surgery went very well. He came home bragging about the Dr and how great he is. That makes me feel so good. Mike's sister Michelle took him for the surgery, since I was still in the ER until after 3. He left hospital at one and Deb (cousin) came in to keep me company and drive me home. Bless her heart. She is sick with a severe sinus infection. She is so awesome!
When I got home, I took my Lortab with my flexeral and I phenegram and went right to bed. I slept most of the night. Today Mike went and got 3 out of five meds for me. Melissa gave me her anti-nausia meds, that she never took. Same exact script I was given. Mike filled the flomax (make me pee more), proK (low potasium), Cipro (anti-biotic)and I just kept taking the Lortabs and flexeral from my last script when I had the UTI. Besides the Lortabs I have are 10mg and what they wrote was for 7.5. alot of good they will do. I'll have to break one in half and take it with another just for them to work. I'll be filling them Saturday..
All I've been eating all day is fruit cocktail(that I made from canned pears and peaches, an orange and an apple) crackers and dinner time i had it with a slice of pbutter toast. Tonight I had one pop tart and later a bowl of ceriel. Not bad for a days time.
But most of my day has been sleeping. I didn't fully wake until like around 5pm. When Mike got kaylee off the bus I went down and unhooked her from her stroller and he carried her up here and laid her in bed with me. I started her feed (at least thought I did) and we slept for a couple hours until the girls(michelle, melissa,emma and kyla) came home from the gulf aquarium. After they came in, I went back to sleep till around five.
I've been drinking like no tomorrow. For every glass of juice or gatorade, I've been drinking a bottle of water. I'm surpised I'm not floating away,just peeing a whole lot.. Oh well, one way to get this stupid stone out of me..I'm hoping by tomorrow night it will be gone... Pray to God it is...I'm also hoping that I catch this one and it doesn't get lost, so I can take it in and they can test it and find out what the Heck it's made of and how to prevent more. I get these suckers WAY TOO OFTEN!!!! So pray with me it works all this way.
Posted by ChristinaS at 12:02 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 4, 2011
weekend enjoyment
Have to say we had a pretty good weekend. Michelle and Emma came over Saturday and spent the night and gone to church with us on Sunday. We got the compliments Sunday of having so many in our family to join us in worship. Sister Christy was just overjoyed to see us taking up more space. We told her that Michelle and Emma were going to move down the end of July. She was very happy. She says keep bringing them in:0) Here are picks that Emma and I took Sunday morning of everyone. Amazes me that Emma going on 5, May 5th. took very good picutres..
Posted by ChristinaS at 5:37 PM 0 comments