Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I'm still not very good at this. But getting there. Been busy the last couple of days cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. Yesterday was the BIG clean in the master bedroom for us. Mike did his side the day before, which puts me on alert to get mine done. So of course then, right after supper I picked up all off the floor, organized all I could and vaccuumed. Then I finished all the wash and my blanket. With having dogs you have to wash blankets a bit more often then I really would want to.
Today I finished supper and with the help of Kyla we swept the floors and then after Mike left for work I bleached and washed them. I did it on my hands and knees to make sure they were good and clean this time. Nothing like washing the floors and go to walk on them with white sox right after and have the bottoms turn black anyway. So I tried it the hard way. By the time I was done, my arms and back were sore and my hands were shaking. But it is all done. Thank goodness.
Tomorrow Mike and I go and pick up Jw for Thanksgiving break. Can't wait, we'll be together for four days. I'm excited. As much as a child can drive a parent right up the walls. You do miss them so when they are not around.
We are going to Michelle's house for Thanksgiving dinner. WE both got a turkey basket from church, which was a huge help. B/c we are struggling financially this year. But we chose to combine our baskets and the gift cards for the turkeys and get one big turkey instead of two small ones. Dougie is going to get a ham so we have a little of both. He cooks them so AWESOME in the crock pots, I can't wait. It's going to be a really good day..
Well, Melissa announced to us last night, that come Jan. 1st she is moving out. She is going to move into Michelle's house for less money. So now we get to re-tighten our belts yet one more time and struggle through till we get taxes done and see where we end up from here. We are really concerned b/c we are not sure what we are doing in the near future. Mike wants to enroll in a school, possibly motorcylcle mechanic or diesal or even marine. BUT he is at a loss at to exactly where right now. So in the mean time, we really don't want to move another time before he determines where exactly he is going get excepted. So we may just stay here and struggle it out until he figures it out. Will have to see.
That's about all new right now. Will catch up more after Thanksgiving..

Monday, November 9, 2009

most updated pics of the family

This is Melessa from this past summmer. She looks so good.

Mike with the dogs. He was teasing me, b/c he knows I hate different things on the table. he was putting Haylee on the table. Everyone was laughing at me.. I wanted to kill him..

This is last Sunday Nov. 1st. We were just leaving church.

This is the most updated pic of the kids. Emma Michelle's daughter, Xavier, Valerie's grandson, Kaylee is in the chair and Kyla on far right. They have gotten so big...

This pic was taken end of summer of JW. He was on the phone with one of his "girlfriends" man they start younger every generation.

This is Mike and I just this past Sept. We were in NJ. We went down to meet a couple friends from Facebook. One flew in from Australia to come see NY and meet us. The other from NJ. He hooked us up with the great extended stay hotel. Great people they are..

Well, I hope now that I've gotten back to this blog thing, I can continue to keep up with it. Sorry I've been so neglectful of it. Facebook is so addicting that I've neglected everything else on here. Hope all is well and we can stay connected again.. HUGS